Did you hear? We’re rolling out the green carpet...
Freight Farms is unveiling the newest model of the Leafy Green Machine (LGM for short) and we want to loop you in with the newest and greatest features of the system!
We figured there's no better way to introduce the new LGM than to take it on tour. It’s a “first” for the LGM … and we're happy to say its initial appearance went off without a hitch! Earlier this week the LGM landed in Pennsylvania for the NACUFS conference at Gettysburg College. Our team showcased the LGM to universities and colleges looking to step up their local food game … stay tuned for a recap of the team’s experience!
Now back to the 2015 LGM...
Leafy Green Machine Basil
Wondering why this model looks a little different?
The 2015 LGM looks sleeker than ever, and the outside isn’t the only thing that got a facelift! Over the past year we’ve refined our design and taken feedback from our current farmers to improve the system, increase operational efficiency and streamline workflow.
What are the most notable improvements?
Well, that depends who you ask. A few of us might say the surround sound speaker system, but our Head of Farming may say the irrigation system refinements. Overall, these new farms are strong at the core and have optional add-ons that make operations even more fun.
Want to know about the other new features?
Just head to the contact form on our website, here, and fill in your contact information. We’ll get in touch with you ASAP to get the conversation started!
Is the 2015 LGM available to purchase?
Yes! We can’t wait to hear how you want to use the Leafy Green Machine, so be sure to let us know!
Got an event you think the LGM should attend?
We’ve got a diverse lineup planned for the next year, so stay tuned...but if you know of an event that the LGM or Freight Farms should make an appearance at, please get in touch!